About Spray Booths

A spray booth is a pressure-controlled closed environment, originally used to paint vehicles in a body shop. Its effective design promotes efficient paint application, minimizing contamination and maximizing the quality of the finished product.
To ensure the ideal working conditions (temperature, airflow, and humidity), these environments are equipped with ventilation, consisting of mechanical fans driven by electric motors, and optionally burners to heat the air to speed paint drying. Toxic solvents and paint particles are exhausted outside, possibly after filtering and treatment to reduce air pollution. Prevention of fires and dust explosions is also a high priority. To assist in the removal of the over sprayed paint from the air and to provide efficient operation of the down-draft, water-washed paint spray booths utilize paint detackifying chemical agents. – Wikipedia
Sprayline manufactures custom spray booths to get the job done. When the time comes to consider a large spray booth built for the job a custom built booth can offer just the right solution. We build booths to fit within many constraints and product applications. Large or small a custom booth may be designed and build for your direct needs.
Our design team can create and build a custom build booth to work within special sizes and configurations. Custom built spray booths are manufactured to fit the exact needs of the finisher. Many finished products are different sizes and shapes, and a custom booth makes sense when a stock unit is undersized or does not suit the particular finishing need.

Conveyor and Slot Booths
Conveyor and slot booths are designed to fit your material handling requirements. Booths may be manufactured to suit in-line production needs with Conveyor openings and flow though tracks. Side openings are placed in walls allowing product to flow though and have coatings applied at the perfect location.
- Various size paint booths & configurations to choose from.
- Air flow and lighting are critical factors that go into every new spray booth
- Spray Booths can be built to suit product application large and custom industrial spray booths.
- Value based designs create options for the large industrial coater, enclosed powder coating option.
- Standard size Enclosed Industrial Spray Booths (10′ W X 14′ D X 8 H’) (12′ W X 18′ D X 10 H’) (14′ W X 22′ D X 12 H’)
Sprayline manufactures custom booths to get the job done. When the time comes to consider a large spray booth built for the job a custom built booth can offer just the right solution.
We build booths to fit within many constraints and product applications. Large or small a custom booth may be designed and build for your direct needs. Our design team can create a custom build booth to work within special sizes and configurations.
Custom built spray booths are manufactured to fit the exact needs of the finisher. Many finished products are different sizes and shapes, and a custom booth makes sense when a stock unit is undersized or does not suit the particular finishing need.
Since 1996 manufacturing custom built spray booths for painting and refinishing. Manufactured to meet NFPA 33, 70, 101, NEC 516 and OSHA Guidelines and NRTL Laboratory Test Approved paint spray booths .
Sprayline Manufacturing Co. builds custom paint spray booths for the automotive collision repair industry and for industrial spray booth and commercial booth specifications.
Representing the finest craftsmanship and environmentally friendly custom spray booth products in the industry along with setting the standards for the highest value to you, our customers.
All paint spray booths are manufactured with today’s high performance multi-stage coatings in mind. Abundant air flow expert lighting and versatility makes Sprayline series of spray booths the superior choose in your next paint spray booth purchase.